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Gone Writing!
"Gone Writing!"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

"A Lot" of Spelling Problems....

Another problem I have in the topic of spelling. This happens to be two words, but for most of you, you seem to think it is one word. And the issue lands in not just any age group, but many. The words to which I am referencing are:

             "A lot."

Allow me to use it in a sentence for you, "There are a lot of people in the line for rest room right now!" Meaning, there are a bunch, quite a few, a large sum of, etc. 

More often then not you see people using it as one word, (not sure if I can force misspelling on my iPad or not) allot (which in the terminology you are using it in isn't proper; because spelled this way it is something completely different! Or as one word, compiling a+lot (my iPad will not allow me to do it.))

When spelling allot as this-you are saying: to give or apportion (something) to someone as a share task.  It's a verb, and here is the proper wording when using the word this way: "Proper time was allotted to each individual." 

For those of you still compiling the words a lot into one word, you're disgracing yourself in regards to the English language. There are people coming to America daily who strive to learn our language to perfection, and yet still you shame yourself by making the smallest of errors. Get with the program! 

Today is a new day, it is never too late to better yourself and your ways, and to start simple. And this is one of the simplest tasks you can do, fix a simple spelling error. 

Always remember that a lot is two words and not one, because it represents a lot. Think of it that way! 

I hope this helps someone!

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